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Thursday June 22
Prairie Tales Redux
artsPlace Gallery (Open to Public)

An exciting expansion of our 17-year Prairie Tales program including for the first time, films from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, The Yukon and Northwest Territories in addition to Alberta. Curated by Nicola Waugh

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artsPlace Gallery (950 8 Ave, Canmore AB)

Friday June 23
Coast Canmore Hotel

Decompression Day
Grassi Lakes sound walk with Gary James Joynes (10-2)

Climbing, swimming, brewery tour, Grassi Lakes sound walk with Gary James Joynes (10-2)

Prairie Tales: A History book launch with Dr. Kristen Hutchinson
Elevation Gallery (Happy Hour Bar Service)

Written by Dr. Kristen Hutchinson and populated with interviews from Alberta’s media arts communities, Prairie Tales: A History tells the seventeen-year story of sharing short films and videos made by Albertan artists.

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Elevation Gallery (729 8 St, Canmore, AB)

Delegate Dinner
Doors open at 6:00 Dinner at 6:30 pm

Reva Stone Artist Talk
With introduction by Kristy Trinier - artsPlace Gallery (Open to Public)

Reva Stone’s work engages with a variety of forms of digital technologies to initiate discourses about how biotechnological and robotic practices are impacting upon the very nature of being human. Recently, she has been altering and re-purposing obsolete devices that refer to the history of technology. By combining methods and genres of the past with those of the digital present, she is investigating transformations not only of the tools that we use but also how these transformations have impacted upon how we conceptualize ideas and thoughts.

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artsPlace Gallery (950 8 Ave, Canmore AB)

IMAA Regional meeting
Location TBD

Delegates from Prairies/NWT. Chaired by Cecilia Araneda.

Saturday June 24
#AFA25 - Decoding Influence
Coast Canmore Hotel

To celebrate their 25th anniversary, AFA chose 25 Alberta artists from the past 25 years who have significantly impacted their communities, influenced the development of art and artistic practice in our province and inspire others to do the same. Three of these #AFA25 are AMAAS members Trevor Anderson, Gary Burns and Sharon Stevens who will each share some insights on making media art in Alberta.

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Renderings on Sponsorship
Coast Canmore Hotel

Join Karen Ball, Ramin Eshraghi-Yasdi, & Spencer Estabrooks as they tell first hand stories of their sponsorship experience. With comprehensive understanding of sponsorship of all kinds, these three will share insights, ideas, and advice for the media arts community.

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Legion Branch #3

YOU ARE HERE is a live audio/visual performance, occupying a middle ground between digital puppet show, short film, and multimedia play. Audience members are invited to take their photographs in a booth before the show, their faces then placed like masks onto blank characters. Via modelled figures possessing their likenesses, viewers are introduced into an alternate dimension — quiet, flat, empty, unsettling disassociation constructed from the backdrops of dreams. A live narrative constructs several short stories, loosely paralleling visuals on the screen. The show will feature a mix of predefined content, improvisation, and opportunities for subversion.

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Three Sisters Royal Canadian Legion Branch #3 (834 7 St, Canmore, AB)

Spirit of Helen Awards
Legion #3 Branch

#The Spirit of Helen Award is a biennial cash award presented in honour of Helen Folkmann, an artist and arts advocate who passed away in 2004. Her creativity, activism, strength and determination inspired and continues to inspire people across Canada, and this award acknowledges an artist, cultural worker or advocate whose contributions to Alberta’s media arts community reflects Helen’s remarkable spirit.

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Three Sisters Royal Canadian Legion Branch #3 (834 7 St, Canmore, AB)

Legion #3 Branch (Doors open at 6 pm)

Live Music by The Critters
Legion Branch #3

Three Sisters Royal Canadian Legion Branch #3 (834 7 St, Canmore, AB)

Coast Canmore Hotel (Includes Lunch)

Breakfast + Welcoming Remarks

Canada 150 from an Indigenous Perspective
Coast Canmore Hotel

with Chantal Chagnon, Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes, and Michelle Robinson

Thinking through Canada 150 and what, as cultural producers the media arts community could learn and shape into our practice, productions and policies. Chantal, Cheryle and Michelle will share insights.

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JPEG Square Whole: Sponsorships with Karen Ball
Coast Canmore Hotel

Karen Ball will facilitate a workshop tailored on sponsorship 101 for media arts and is based on her presentation to ArtsVest Alberta.

ECU: A Conversation with Reva Stone
Coast Canmore Hotel

Spend some one2one time with one of Canada's leading Media Artists. An award winning artist who is interested in sharing expertise, ideas, and suggestions for your media art projects.

Canada 150 from an Indigenous Perspective Round Table
Coast Conference Centre

With Chantal Chagnon, Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes, and Michelle Robinson

Thinking through Canada 150 and what, as cultural producers the media arts community could learn and shape into our practice, productions and policies. Chantal, Cheryle and Michelle will share insights.

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Sunday June 25
Coast Canmore Hotel

Introductions from 1. AFA Art Acquisitions 2. Canada Council new funding model 3. AMAAS Online 4. Got a MinuteFilm Festival 5. Prairie Tales into the future

Light Breakfast

Interface Speed Dating
Coast Canmore Hotel

Lunch + Wrap Up
Coast Canmore Hotel


AMAAS exists to advocate, educate, and celebrate the media arts in Alberta.


The media arts in Alberta is advanced through the generation of awareness, strengthening of connections, and continuous advocacy. AMAAS builds a sustainable and vibrant future for media arts in Alberta.


AMAAS defines media art as independent artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio/sound art and related media.

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