AMAAS membership consists of media arts organizations, collectives and individual artists. By being a member, this grants you access to our programs and services including our Sponsorships & Bursaries, One2One Grant Mentorship program, and our biannual media arts conference.
You also benefit from AMAAS’ three pillars of service:
There is power through solidarity! Join a collective group of voices as we advocate on your behalf to all levels of government, funders, and stakeholders for sustainability in the media arts sector. We have provincial representation as members of Alberta Partners for Arts and Culture (APAC), and national representation as members of the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA). We also represent you locally through municipal funders, government, business sector and stakeholders.
We offer professional development, peer learnings, artist presentations, workshops and networking opportunities throughout the year and at our biannual media arts conference, to help with capacity building and making sure media arts thrive in Alberta.
We help promote your events via social media and our monthly e-newsletter. You also get access to our Sponsorship & Bursary Program that provides cash support for media art presentations and artist development in Alberta. We also celebrate our community with the Spirit of Helen Award.
$50 – 150/year*
*Based on a operating budget sliding scale fee
Any non-profit organization operating in Alberta which has, as its main activity, creation, production, dissemination, exhibition, distribution or research and experimentation in media arts. Media Arts Organization members must: be a not-for-profit media arts organization that is controlled by a board, the majority of whose members are practicing media artists or media arts professionals such as curators or critics; carry out their primary activities in the province of Alberta; pay artistʼs fees; and share the aims and objectives of AMAAS. This class of member has voting privileges and is eligible to apply for sponsorships.
Any media art collective in Alberta which has, as its main activity, creation, production, dissemination, exhibition, distribution and/or research and experimentation in media arts. Media art collective members are not formally registered or incorporated, are usually volunteer run, carry out their primary activities in the province of Alberta, and share the aims and objectives of AMAAS. This class of member has voting privileges and is eligible to apply for sponsorships.

AMAAS exists to advocate, educate, and celebrate the media arts in Alberta.
The media arts in Alberta is advanced through the generation of awareness, strengthening of connections, and continuous advocacy. AMAAS builds a sustainable and vibrant future for media arts in Alberta.
AMAAS defines media art as independent artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio/sound art and related media.