Any non-profit organization or collective operating in Alberta which has, as its main activity, creation, production, dissemination, exhibition, distribution or research and experimentation in media arts.

Media Arts Organization members must: be a not-for-profit media arts organization that is controlled by a board; carry out their primary activities in the province of Alberta; pay artist’s fees; and share the aims and objectives of AMAAS. This class of member has voting privileges and is eligible to apply for sponsorships.

Media Arts Collective members are not formally registered or incorporated, are usually volunteer run, carry out their primary activities in the province of Alberta, and share the aims and objectives of AMAAS. This class of member has voting privileges and is eligible to apply for sponsorships.


As an AMAAS organization/collective member you will be:

  • Represented in advocacy work
  • Invited to attend AMAAS programming, including the biennale conference
  • Eligible to include your events on the AMAAS social media
  • Kept informed about issues confronting independent media artists and media arts organizations
  • Access AMAAS promotional and professional development opportunities


    AMAAS exists to advocate, educate, and celebrate the media arts in Alberta.


    The media arts in Alberta is advanced through the generation of awareness, strengthening of connections, and continuous advocacy. AMAAS builds a sustainable and vibrant future for media arts in Alberta.


    AMAAS defines media art as independent artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio/sound art and related media.

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