August 2011

AMAAS is very pleased to announce the hiring of Mari Sasano, of Edmonton, as our new Communications and Prairie Tales Tour Coordinator.

Also we would like to thank Ian Leung, our outgoing Prairie Tales coordinator, for years of excellent service to the Alberta Media Arts Community.

Happy August,


GAMA Call For Submissions
Gallery of Alberta Media Art (GAMA)  
Alberta artists: Short film, animation and video.
Deadline: Submissions must arrive by 4:00 PM on Thursday, September 29, 2011.

GAMA is an exciting microcinema programming partnership between the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS) and the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts Visual and Media Arts Programming.  Through a peer assessor selection process, GAMA programs up to 24 Alberta media artists annually running 3 months in duration. The media art appears on a television monitor located in the +15 near CKUA as well as other monitors located throughout the Centre.  This project reaches a diverse population of all ages; content must be suitable for public spaces.  Each of the selected proposals will receive an artist fee of $400.00.

To view examples of current GAMA programming, submission guidelines and application forms, please view the EPCOR CENTRE website.

AMAAS and the EPCOR CENTRE thank EMMEDIA for ongoing technical support of GAMA.


Damming Fluxus: Call For Submissions
New Curatorial Collective beginning in Calgary  
M3 presents a fluxish storming of the forts of propriety and luxury swimming pools of bourgeois intellect within experimental cinema. The product, such as it is, will be an exquisite corpse program of eccentric fluxus cinema.  Created by Canadian film programmers of madness and dissent – Melanie Wilmink, Melody Jacobson and Murray Smith – this package will be presented to festivals as a full collection of films programmed in a mix of genres, styles and perspectives. A package that defies traditional moids of experimental cinema curation by slighting same-ness, shaming elitism and defying boredom.  The films will be viewed by all three programmers, and selected for the package through collaboration and surrealist chance.

Filmmaker honourariums will vary based on which festivals accept the program, and are not guaranteed.
There is NO ENTRY FEE: online and hard copy submissions open now until September 30, 2011.

For submission guidelines and more information go to Damming Fluxus’ website.


Video Technician Wanted
Provincial Archives of Alberta project in Edmonton
The Provincial Archives of Alberta (PAA) is seeking a video professional for a project to reformat analogue magnetic tape to digital formats. This is a National Archival Development Program project that will require the contractor to migrate a minimum of 325 hours of videocassettes to multiple digital files, DVD and Digital Betacam. The contractor will also record technical and descriptive metadata as necessary. The new digital copies of the videos will also need to be labelled and properly stored in the PAA’s vault and digital storage. This project is expected to last 650 hours and will need to be completed no later than 30 March 2012. The start date is 6 September 2011.

Application Deadline: August 17th.  For more information,  click: here.

Prairie Tales 13 at Alberta Arts Days
Book your free community screening for the Sept. 30 – Oct. 2 weekend!

Prairie Tales 13 premiered June 24th in Hinton, Alberta.  Now you can screen the acclaimed shorts program of Alberta Media Art, which will tour over the next 12 months.

In support of Alberta Arts Days, we are offering free screenings to communities interested in showcasing the best of our Province’s recently made short films and videos.  In some cases we can even coordinate a visiting artist to accompany the screening.

Last year we had 27 Alberta Arts Days screenings and 12 artist visits.  Contact Mari to book a screening or for more information.  Prairie Tales is co-managed by AMAAS and Metro Cinema, with financial support from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.


Canadian Film Centre – Call for Applicants!
Telefilm Canada Feature Comedy Lab.
The Canadian Film Centre (CFC) is looking for applicants for the Telefilm Canada Features Comedy Lab, a CFC Film program in collaboration with Just for Laughs.

The program is divided into two intensive 5-day modules so it’s accessible and manageable to working professionals. Module one will take place November 14th-18th, 2011 in Toronto and Module two will take place March 2012 in Los Angeles. Full-time participation will be required in the two week-long modules.

Projects/teams accepted into the program will also be eligible for a Development financing component of up to $75,000 through Telefilm’s Canada Feature Film Fund program.

There is no fee to participate in the program.  For more details and to apply today, click here.


Metro Cinema @ The Garneau
Screenings begin August 5th.
If you find yourself in Edmonton, check out the historic Garneau Theatre at 8712 109 ST.  It has a new tenant: AMAAS member, Metro Cinema, who historically screened films at Ziedler Hall in the Citadel, and was on hiatus in July.

The Grand Opening will be the weekend of September 16-18, 2011, however screenings resume August 5th.  We can’t wait!


The Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS) is a not-for-profit society which exists to promote, support, educate and advocate for Alberta media arts and to foster the common objectives of Alberta’s media arts organizations and artists. Media arts are defined as: independent, artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio art, and related media.

AMAAS advances the image and reputation of the Alberta media arts scene as exciting, leading edge and excellent. By generating awareness of and support for media arts, it builds a sustainable future for the sector.

Contact Us:
Kevin Allen
Executive Director
Alberta Media Arts Alliance
901, 1323 15 Ave. SW
Calgary, AB  T3C 0X8



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