Passing the Torch: A Webinar on Succession Planning
Thursday, March 28, 2024 @ 12-1:30PM
FREE for members with registration here
The AMAAS Board and staff recently completed an 18-month Succession Project and we’re reporting to our membership and the community. Learn about the process, the timeline, and the results. Under a theme of Explore, Experience, and Execute, the extensive project resulted in the hiring and onboarding of a new Executive Director as well as updating the Board terms of office. Learn more about the project here.
Join us for an online presentation, followed by a Q&A session on Zoom by registering here.

Funding Opportunities for Media Artists
Two program Officers from the Canada Council’s Explore and Create program will walk through: how to create an artist profile on the Council’s portal, what types of grants are available, what to expect through the application process.
Megan Leduc & Michael Peterson, Program Officers, Explore and Create and facilitated by AMAAS.
Tax Prep for Artists
Click here to see the Zoom video and view the PDF
Tax Prep for Artists hosted by Stella Penner of BDO Canada.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your taxes, this presentation will provide an overview of the intersection between the “business” of being an artist and Canadian tax reporting requirements.
Metamorphosis Journey with Velcrow Ripper and Nova Ami
June 21, 2020 @ 3 – 5 pm
Metamorphosis Journey is an experiential workshop that explores transformation in the face of planetary emergency. The participant moves through the stages of Chrysalis, Crisis, Catharsis, Symbiosis, and Metamorphosis, personalizing this arc, and applying it to their own lives. Short films representing the stages are integrated throughout the workshop.
The guided journey begins with Chrysalis setting intention, creating clarity and spaciousness. Next, we choose a particular Crisis to explore, one that affects us directly. In Catharsis, we delve into the shadow. How do we embrace the crisis, how do we fully feel into it, and then transform that pain? How do we “expand the view” beyond fear or limitation? In the Symbiosis phase, we learn to create balance and harmony out of crisis, develop an action plan and a way to move forward. In Metamorphosis, we explore the process of transformation, and learn to tap into our “Protean Self”–that part of us that is open and willing to change.
The workshop is led by award-winning filmmakers and certified coaches Nova Ami and Velcrow Ripper. The structure is inspired by their feature documentary, METAMORPHOSIS, and rooted in the Coaching for Transformation model, as well the filmmakers’ lived experiences travelling into the heart of global ecological crisis. Learn more at www.metamorphosis.media
Webinar #12: Understanding Financial Statements AGM Know How Part 2
Presented by Stella Penner FCPA, FCGA, CA
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Powerpoint presentation Webinar 05-30-18 understanding FS
and webinar video available here.
(Part 1 video is available click here)
Have you attended an AGM and stared blankly at the Financial Statements while the treasurer is giving their report? Do the numbers jump around the pages without telling a story? This presentation is for you.
Topics will include: what kind of questions should I be asking that won’t make me look silly? How to understand the answers so the statements make sense? Are we financially viable and what should I be looking for to assess that? What is the connection between these statements and our budget? These are some clarifying questions to ask at an AGM as a member of a nonprofit society.
Be informed and prepared with this overview on financial statements.
Creating a Culture of Consent – a workshop in Edmonton
Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Workshop hosted by: Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton
In this workshop, participants will increase their knowledge and identify how media and society perpetuate harmful messages about consent, relationships, and sexual violence. We will explore and discuss the bystander effect and some common barriers to intervention.
This workshop explores the topic of enthusiastic consent and how we practice it, what constitutes sexual harassment and sexual assault, and how to disrupt non-consensual or harmful behavior with bystander intervention tools and strategies, while creating communities and environments that center consent and respect. We will also learn strategies and tools for responding supportively to disclosures of sexual violence. sexual violence.
Thank you for your interest in creating a culture of consent.
Creating a Culture of Consent – a workshop in Calgary
Tuesday April 10, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Co-presented with Alberta Music
Workshop hosted by: Calgary Sexual Health Centre
In this workshop, participants will increase their knowledge and identify how media and society perpetuate harmful messages about consent, relationships, and sexual violence. We will explore and discuss the bystander effect and some common barriers to intervention. Participants will also learn practical tools that will prepare them to recognize when and how they can be active bystanders.

Webinar #9: Financial Wellness & Tax Preparation Presentation
Monday April 9, 2018
Unravelling the Mysteries of Financial Record Keeping and Filing Tax Returns
The presentation will provide an overview of the intersection between the “business” of being an artist and Canadian tax reporting requirements, focusing on what income to report and expenses to deduct. *This presentation does not constitute tax advice on individual tax filing, please consult your financial advisor or Canada Revenue Agency. FREE and open to all media artists and anyone really. The presentation will be facilitated by Stella Penner who works with many non-profit arts groups in Calgary (read bio below). In advance of the presentation and to tailor the information please send any questions relating to general tax preparation before April 2 at 5 pm admin@amaas.ca.
Read the slides from the presentation AMAAS Artists Tax Day. Watch the presentation here.
Bio Stella Penner As a partner at Calvista LLP, Stella works with both not-for-profit organizations and corporations. She maintains firm quality control to the high standards required by clients, provides internal and external consulting services, trains staff, and ensures that audit and accounting standards are applied consistently in the engagement process. Read more of Stella’s bio here.
Webinar #8: AGM Know How – There Are No Silly Questions.
Monday February 26, 2018
Free and open to all media artists and anyone really. This would appeal to people working in the non-profit sector from the seasoned board member to the staff or volunteers. The presentation will be facilitated by Justin Solamillo from Alberta Culture. The content will be shaped by attendees by completing this survey here.
Watch the video here.
Bio Justin Solamillo
Justin works as a Community Development Officer with the Community Development Unit of Alberta Culture and Tourism.
Justin’s background is in community organizing and engagement, program development and coordination, and facilitation and training. He has a Master of Social Work degree specializing in International and Community Development from the University of Calgary. Highlights in this area include experience with the International Federation of Social Workers, and their role in the Non-Governmental Organization Committee at the United Nations in New York. He has a wealth of experience working with diverse communities and organizations with diverse needs.
Webinar #7: Contracts and Legal Obligations for Programmers & Curators
Thursday Sept 28, 2017 @ 1 pm
Join arts and entertainment lawyer, Dan Pollock, as he walks programmers and curators through the preparation of contracts and other legal obligations when working with artists, other independent contractors and like minded organizations.
Webinar #6: Understanding Financial Statements
Thursday May 18, 2017 @ 1 pm MST
Have you attended an AGM and stared blankly at the Financial Statements while the treasurer is giving their report? Do the numbers jump around the pages without telling a story?
Heather Young will walk anyone in your organization (management, junior staff, board members and volunteers) through the process of reading and understanding Financial Statements.
Webinar #5 Canada Council for the Arts New Model Overview and Strategy Discussion
Tuesday March 14, 2017
Within the new Canada Council for the Arts funding model there are numerous changes that will affect how media arts groups apply for funds and how programs will need to be structured to take full advantage of the available opportunities. In this webinar discussion MANO staff, Ben Donoghue and Adriana Rosselli will provide an overview of what they have learned so far and possible strategic frameworks for maximizing funding for media arts organizations and collectives.
Webinar #4 The Hiring Process with Mike Rudolph
Tuesday October 11, 2016
This webinar will be relevant for any discipline. All welcome.
In this workshop participants will explore the do’s and don’ts of Performance Reviews and their importance in building and sustaining a positive work environment for all.
Webinar #3 The Hiring Process with Mike Rudolph
Tuesday July 12, 2016
This webinar will be relevant for any discipline. All welcome.
This workshop will focus on the hiring process from creating complete and attractive job postings to conducting interviews and making your final hiring decisions. Learn how to screen candidates and ask meaningful questions that will give you the best decision making tools.

Webinar #2 Balance Sheet and the Relationship with CADAC
May 10, 2016
Do you stare blankly at the Balance Sheet and have no idea what it is telling you? Do struggle when reporting your financial data in Canadian Arts Data CADAC? This webinar will give you the necessary tools to understand the story that the Balance Sheet tells about your organization. Recommended for Arts Administrators & Board Treasurers & Bookkeepers but everyone is welcomed to register.

Webinar #1 Board Governance 101
April 5, 2016
Good governance practices are essential to maintaining the health and wellness of any non-profit organization. Whether you have been on a board for many years, are new member, or are purely interested in the interworking’s of how a board operates, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and essential tools necessary to ensure fair practices and transparency.
Whether you have been on a board for many years, are new member, or are purely interested in the interworking’s of how a board operates, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and essential tools necessary to ensure fair practices and transparency.
This ONLINE workshop on governance practices is offered to build capacity for board members of non-profit arts organizations. The roles and responsibilities of boards of directors in arts organizations are a crucial component to ensuring transparency and support within the sector.
In this workshop volunteer board members will be provided with information on development and recruitment, succession planning, strategic planning, leadership within volunteer boards, representing memberships, and working with staff.
AMAAS exists to advocate, educate, and celebrate the media arts in Alberta.
The media arts in Alberta is advanced through the generation of awareness, strengthening of connections, and continuous advocacy. AMAAS builds a sustainable and vibrant future for media arts in Alberta.
AMAAS defines media art as independent artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio/sound art and related media.