Out of This World Schedule

Portage College
5205 50 Ave

Royal Canadian Legion #100
4925 49 Ave

Magic Lantern Elite Theatre
4938 50 Ave

Click on any event in the calendar to see more information. A full text version of the schedule is posted below. 

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Out of This World Conference Schedule

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Thursday June 30
Dinner & Interactive Mapping Event
With dinner from UFO Pizza.

An interactive, delegate introduction, mapping event with Kelly Andres:

Prairie Media Arts Mycelial Network
A casual facilitated session with a couple icebreakers to introduce people to one another followed with an introduction to the mycelium network map. Conference participants can add their personal or professional connections, skills, and interests to the prairie media arts ecosystem, a map that resembles a mushroom mycelia system. The map will be available throughout the conference for continual interaction. It will grow as we learn, share and connect to one another over the weekend. Additionally, an Instagram account will be set up for attendees to share their photos and ideas.

Friday July 1
Breakfast & Welcome from Elders

Welcome from St Paul, Elders plus announcements.

Enter the Third Dimension - Matthew Waddell

3D graphics are the building blocks for countless forms of contemporary media production including special effects, previsualizations, virtual set development, game development and many other computer graphic applications. This talk will offer an overview into the world of 3D graphics including popular software, rendering techniques, physics simulations and other practical applications to wrap your head around this new dimension of creativity.

Artist in Residence AR/VR Salon

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.

Augmenting the Real / Immersed in the Virtual - Matthew Waddell

Augmented and virtual reality offer new avenues to storytelling, education and artistic expression. Join the discussion around the many applications of these exciting new technologies while gathering a general understanding of how they work and where they are heading. Oh and the metaverse too!

XR Artist-in-Residence Panel Discussion

Featuring Laura Anzola, Clea Karst, Evan Pearce with Curator Matt Wright moderated by Vicki Chau Three artists in residence developed eXtended Reality (XR) projects inspired by the UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul. Working remotely in Calgary, Edmonton and Medicine Hat. This panel will explore the successes and challenges of working with XR technology.

Lunch/Keynote with Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong is a filmmaker, director, producer, activist and educator who will share her experiences as our Keynote Speaker. Along with a screening of Do Wok A Do, a whimsical short drama based on her childhood upbringing in St. Paul Alberta, Michelle will talk about the lifelong impact St. Paul has made on her storytelling both past, present and future.

The Roots of Inattention - aAron Munson
An artist talk on mindfulness and the creative process

Filmmaker and multimedia artist aAron Munson explores the roots of our inattention through an artist talk that will present recent and current works while discussing the exploration of attention and how it has reshaped their artistic process. The talk will invite the conference attendees to reflect upon what it means to have agency of attention in a system that has commodified and managed attention through the modes of technology with which we communicate.

Dinner & Artist Talk with Adrian Stimson
With BBQ dinner provided by #100 Royal Canadian Legion

Multidisciplinary Artist, award winning, internationally known, Member of the Siksika Nation. Stimson travelled with the Canadian Forces Artists Program to Afghanistan in 2010. In 2017, Stimson created, Trench a five-day durational performance on the Siksika (Blackfoot) Nation. The performance commemorates the approximately 4,000 Indigenous soldiers who served in the First World War.

Artist Talk: Experiences as a War Artist to Performance Artist to Visual Artist and back again.

Friday July 1

5:30 - 6:30 pm (dinner served at 5 pm)

Royal Canadian Legion #100

Artist AR/VR Open Labs

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.

CoViz_2021: Experiments in Computer Vision

By Tyler Klein Longmire
< br> CoViz_2021 is an experiment in computer vision and real-time rendering of live motion-capture data. Using scavenged hardware, a beefy computer, custom CGI, and the free Unity game engine, I wanted to create a fun and accessible party favour, where the users’ movements get mapped onto outlandish characters in a 3D, cartoon world. Up to four people can dance together in front of the Kinect camera, and their movements are translated onto their cartoon avatars in real-time. They move when you move, dance how you dance. For a brief moment, you’re a digital puppeteer. It’s glitchy, it’s imprecise, but that’s all part of the fun.

Saturday July 2
Breakfast & Book Launch

Book launch of Landscape of Moving Images: a compendium of prairie cinema.

The anthology documents artist’s work and independent film histories from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Covering a range of topics from individual artistic practices to the institutional histories of artist-run centres and queer film festivals, this publication assembles some of the perspectives and histories that give shape to prairie media arts.

Edited by Melanie Wilmink (independent scholar & curator) and Solomon Nagler (artist and Associate Professor, NSCAD University), this publication balances critical essays with the sensual and aesthetic qualities of the work under discussion.

Landscapes of Moving Image is an important record of independent prairie cinema and presents critical discourse and personal storytelling intertwined together within this beautiful book object. Each of the 500 copies of the publication includes multiple unique inserts and the overall design by Jayme Spinks uses creative layout and typography to engage the reader with the subject matter.

Discovering Augmented Reality - James Kuehn

Instructor: James Kuehn. MSc. Digital Media Design

This workshop will walk you through a playful approach to using augmented reality for your artistic practices. We will consider how AR can be integrated as an added representational level with other mediums that engages your audience in new ways. Case studies of working Canadian artists using AR will be presented. By the end of this workshop, you will have produced your first augmented reality experiences.

What to bring:

No coding! No deep technical skills are required.
Laptop with internet connection and a web browser [chrome or firefox]
Charged phone or tablet [iOS or Android]
We are limited to 12 participants.

Digital Ecologies 101 - Kelly Andres

A survey of artist’s projects and experiments that explore the interconnection between living phenomena and digital technology. From early cybernetic gardens, bio-art, and 3D printing with living spores. The presentation will provide a foundation for thinking with concepts such as feminist theorist Donna Haraway’s “naturecultures” and how the merging of technology and the living can enact potential for different inter-species encounters.

Start your engines! - Matthew Waddell

Game engine software, such as Unreal Engine and Unity, are changing the way media artists create, plan and deliver their work. From video games to interactive installations to virtual production in film and television, realtime engines are allowing artists to do the unimaginable with a fraction of the budget once required. Learn the basics of game engines and how these powerful software environments are changing the way we see reality.

Lunch / AGM / Spirit of Helen Award

What the NFT?! - Matthew Waddell

Hop on the rollercoaster and take a wild ride through the ever-changing world of NFTs. This discussion will cover the basics of NFTs - what they are, why the excitement, and the many ways they can be used (beyond JPGs.)

This is no hype session! We will present critical reflections on the NFT ecosystem and start an ongoing discussion that can develop during the rest of the conference.


Grant writing round table sessions led by Peter Hemminger.
Pitch your idea to get feedback and suggestions for funding.

Artist in Residence AR/VR Salon

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.

Crash Course in Projection Mapping - Laura Anzola

Learn the fundamentals of projection mapping during this hands-on workshop that will cover everything you need to translate your videos or animations from the screen to the real world.

Workshop will cover:
- Creating content for projection - tips on how to create content that fits the shape and context of the object you’re projecting into.
- File formats - best formats for real time playback
- Mapping - different software options for mapping and playing back your content
- Basic equipment needs including projectors, cabling and video distribution.

What to bring:
- Laptop - Mac or PC with Mad Mapper Demo installed

There will be a limited number of projectors available for participants. Please consider bringing your own if you are interested in practicing your mapping.

Artist Talk with Cheryl L'Hirondelle (POSTPONED TBD)
With dinner from St Paul's chef-owned Twisted Fork

A multidisciplinary media artist, performer, and award-winning musician, Cheryl L'Hirondelle is of Métis/Cree, French, German, and Polish descent. Her work is tied to her cultural heritage.

Artist in Residence AR/VR Salon

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.

Quickdraw Animation Screening
AMAAS and the Quickdraw Animation Society presents: Best of GIRAF 17

The Quickdraw Animation Society's Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival is a celebration of independent animation; a showcase of inventive, beautiful, mind-altering and unexpected animated films from Canada and around the world. The Best of GIRAF17 - last year's festival, includes award winning short films that push the expectations of what animated films can be. These are not just for kids, they are films from around the world that explore unique perspectives on family, life, relationships, identity, abstract emotions, shape, and form. You'll see films animated from cyanotype photography, digital 2D animation as well as stop-motion techniques.

Daniel Gervais

Music and Live Visuals with St. Paul Fiddle Performer Daniel Gervais.

Sunday July 3
Breakfast & Conference Wrap Up

Conference Wrapup with Kerry Maguire, Writer-in-Residence

Thursday, June 30


Dinner and Meet/greet/mix/mingle
With Kelly Andres
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Royal Canadian Legion #100

Prairie Media Arts Mycelial Network
A casual facilitated session with a couple of icebreakers to introduce people to one another followed by an introduction to the mycelium network map. Conference participants can add their personal or professional connections, skills, and interests to the prairie media arts ecosystem, a map that resembles a mushroom mycelia system. The map will be available throughout the conference for continual interaction. It will grow as we learn, share and connect with one another over the weekend. Additionally, an Instagram account will be set up for attendees to share their photos and ideas.

Friday July 1


Breakfast, Welcome from Elders
8:30 – 9:30 am
Portage College

Enter the Third Dimension with Matthew Waddell
10:00 – 10:45 am
Portage College

3D graphics are the building blocks for countless forms of contemporary media production including special effects, previsualizations, virtual set development, game development and many other computer graphic applications. This talk will offer an overview into the world of 3D graphics including popular software, rendering techniques, physics simulations and other practical applications to wrap your head around this new dimension of creativity.

Augmenting the Real / Immersed in the Virtual with Matthew Waddell
11:00 – 11:45 am
Portage College

Augmented and virtual reality offer new avenues to storytelling, education and artistic expression. Join the discussion around the many applications of these exciting new technologies while gathering a general understanding of how they work and where they are heading. Oh and the metaverse too!

Lunch & Keynote Speaker Michelle Wong
12:00 – 1:30 pm
Portage College Events Centre

Michelle Wong is a filmmaker, director, producer, activist and educator who will share her experiences as our Keynote Speaker. Along with a screening of Do Wok A Do, a whimsical short drama based on her childhood upbringing in St. Paul Alberta, Michelle will talk about the lifelong impact St. Paul has made on her storytelling both past, present and future.

Artist-in-Residence Panel discussion
Featuring Laura Anzola, Clea Karst, Evan Pearce with Curator Matt Wright, moderated by Vicki Chau.
1:45 – 2:45 pm
Portage College

Three artists in residence developed eXtended Reality (XR) projects inspired by the UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul. Working remotely in Calgary, Edmonton and Medicine Hat, this panel will explore the successes and challenges of working with XR technology.

Artist-in-residence VR Salon
3:00 – 5:30 pm | 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Portage College

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.


The Roots of Inattention – An artist talk on mindfulness and the creative process, with aAron Munson
3:30 – 4:15 pm
Portage College

Filmmaker and multimedia artist aAron Munson explores the roots of our inattention through an artist talk that will present recent and current works while discussing the exploration of attention and how it has reshaped their artistic process. The talk will invite the conference attendees to reflect upon what it means to have agency of attention in a system that has commodified and managed attention through the modes of technology with which we communicate.

Dinner and Artist Talk with Adrian Stimson
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Royal Canadian Legion #100

Experiences as a War Artist to Performance Artist to Visual Artist and back again.

Multidisciplinary Artist, award-winning, internationally known member of the Siksika Nation, Stimson travelled with the Canadian Forces Artists Program to Afghanistan in 2010. In 2017, Stimson created “Trench.” a five-day durational performance on the Siksika (Blackfoot) Nation. The performance commemorates the approximately 4,000 Indigenous soldiers who served in the First World War.

CoViz_2021: Experiments in Computer Vision
Interactive Digital Art by Tyler Klein Longmire

7:30 – 10:30 pm
Royal Canadian Legion #100

CoViz_2021 is an experiment in computer vision and real-time rendering of live motion-capture data. Using scavenged hardware, a beefy computer, custom CGI, and the free Unity game engine, I wanted to create a fun and accessible party favour, where the users’ movements get mapped onto outlandish characters in a 3D, cartoon world. Up to four people can dance together in front of the Kinect camera, and their movements are translated onto their cartoon avatars in real-time. They move when you move, dance how you dance. For a brief moment, you’re a digital puppeteer. It’s glitchy, it’s imprecise, but that’s all part of the fun.


Saturday, July 2


Breakfast & Book Launch
8:30 – 9:30 am
Portage College

Book Launch: Landscape of Moving Images: a compendium of prairie cinema.

The anthology documents artists’ work and independent film histories from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Covering a range of topics from individual artistic practices to the institutional histories of artist-run centres and queer film festivals, this publication assembles some of the perspectives and histories that give shape to prairie media arts.

Discovering Augmented Reality [AR] with James Kuehn, MSc. Digital Media Design
9:30 am -12:00 pm
Portage College

This workshop will walk you through a playful approach to using augmented reality for your artistic practices. We will consider how AR can be integrated as an added representational level with other mediums that engages your audience in new ways. Case studies of working Canadian artists using AR will be presented.  By the end of this workshop, you will have produced your first augmented reality experiences.

What to bring:
No coding! No deep technical skills are required.
Laptop with internet connection and a web browser [chrome or firefox]
Charged phone or tablet [iOS or Android]
We are limited to 12 participants.

Digital Ecologies 101 with Kelly Andres
9:30 – 10:30 am
Portage College

A survey of artists’ projects and experiments that explore the interconnection between living phenomena and digital technology. From early cybernetic gardens, bio-art, and 3D printing with living spores. The presentation will provide a foundation for thinking with concepts such as feminist theorist Donna Haraway’s “naturecultures” and how the merging of technology and the living can enact potential for different inter-species encounters.

Start your Engines! with Matthew Waddell
10:45 – 11:45 am
Portage College

Game engine software, such as Unreal Engine and Unity, are changing the way media artists create, plan and deliver their work. From video games to interactive installations to virtual production in film and television, real-time engines are allowing artists to do the unimaginable with a fraction of the budget once required. Learn the basics of game engines and how these powerful software environments are changing the way we see reality.

Lunch, AGM, Report to the Membership,  Spirit of Helen Awards
12:00 – 1:30 pm
Portage College

What the NFT?! with Matthew Waddell
1:45 – 2:30 pm
Portage College

Hop on the rollercoaster and take a wild ride through the ever-changing world of NFTs. This discussion will cover the basics of NFTs – what they are, why the excitement, and the many ways they can be used (beyond JPGs.). This is no hype session! We will present critical reflections on the NFT ecosystem and start an ongoing discussion that can develop during the rest of the conference.

1:45 – 2:45 pm
Portage College

Grant writing round table sessions led by Peter Hemminger. Pitch your idea to get feedback and suggestions for funding!

Artist-in-residence VR Salon
3:00 – 5:30 pm | 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Portage College

Step into the eXtended Reality projects of Artists in Residences Laura Anzola, Clea Karst and Evan Pearce. Developed over a period of four months, the AiRs researched the significance of the UFO Landing Pad through the history and stories of St. Paul, culminating into three immersive experiences utilizing VR and AR technologies. Equipment is limited, so a sign-up form will be used on site to book your experience in the VR Salon at Portage College.

Crash Course in Projection Mapping with Laura Anzola
3:00 – 5:30 pm
Portage College

Learn the fundamentals of projection mapping during this hands-on workshop that will cover everything you need to translate your videos or animations from the screen to the real world.

Workshop will cover:
Creating content for projection – tips on how to create content that fits the shape and context of the object you’re projecting into.
File formats – best formats for real time playback
Mapping – different software options for mapping and playing back your content
Basic equipment needs including projectors, cabling and video distribution.

What to bring:
Laptop – Mac or PC with Mad Mapper Demo installed (https://madmapper.com/madmapper/software)
There will be a limited number of projectors available for participants. Please consider bringing your own if you are interested in practicing your mapping.

Dinner & Artist Talk with Cheryl L’Hirondelle (POSTPONED – TBD)
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Royal Canadian Legion #100

A multidisciplinary media artist, performer, and award-winning musician, Cheryl L’Hirondelle is of Métis/Cree, French, German, and Polish descent. Her work is tied to her cultural heritage.

AMAAS and the Quickdraw Animation Society presents: Best of GIRAF 17
9:00 – 10:00 pm
Elite Cinema

The Quickdraw Animation Society’s Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival is a celebration of independent animation; a showcase of inventive, beautiful, mind-altering and unexpected animated films from Canada and around the world. The Best of GIRAF17 – last year’s festival, includes award winning short films that push the expectations of what animated films can be. These are not just for kids, they are films from around the world that explore unique perspectives on family, life, relationships, identity, abstract emotions, shape, and form. You’ll see films animated from cyanotype photography, digital 2D animation as well as stop-motion techniques.

Music and Live Visuals with St. Paul Fiddle Performer Daniel Gervais
10:00 – 11:00 pm
Elite Cinema

(CANCELLED) yahkāskwan mīhkiwap (Light Tipi) – with Cheryl L’Hirondelle and Joseph Naytowhow
11:00 pm – 12:00 am
Location TBD



Breakfast & Conference Wrap Up with Kerry Maguire
9:30 – 11:00 am
Portage College

Check out Circle
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Portage College



AMAAS exists to advocate, educate, and celebrate the media arts in Alberta.


The media arts in Alberta is advanced through the generation of awareness, strengthening of connections, and continuous advocacy. AMAAS builds a sustainable and vibrant future for media arts in Alberta.


AMAAS defines media art as independent artist initiated and controlled use of film, video, new media, audio/sound art and related media.

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